Archive for category Uncategorized

Four-Square Chess

My five year old came up with a new way to play chess; it’s an especially great way to play chess with someone who doesn’t know how to play chess properly. The game starts with all the pieces arranged around the perimeter of the board, organized by pawns alternating on their native colour and then […]

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Eagles Above?

While looking out my kitchen window this afternoon, I saw what I thought to be an eagle soaring high above. I grabbed my camera and got a few frames, but I can’t tell for sure. Not that it’s unheard of, but if this is an eagle (and not just a brown and white seagull),  it’s […]

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Lunar Halo

Last night I stepped outside to see a lunar halo high above. Pretty cool. See Wikipedia for more.

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Brew Day: Red Ale

Fourth time around I’m brewing a Red Ale, which the box advertises as “a medium-light bodied ale with a deep red hue.” This is a return to a Brewer’s Best product. The biggest difference between this and the Cooper’s or Munton’s I have done most recently is that only the malt extract comes in the […]

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Mal Mots

It seems that “Thanks So Much” has become the new “thanks.” I’m not sure why. I caught myself saying it the other day and suddenly is just didn’t seem right anymore. But everybody’s saying it. Like this guy at the coffee shop. He says it with a bow. Again, I’m not sure why. He seems […]

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