The 501 Queen Leaks

I ride the 501 Queen streetcar. It’s a good route. It goes through some of the most diverse neighbourhoods in Toronto. Lucky for me, I can catch it at the top of my street, a block and a half away.

I think the 501 is a classic; a romantic route through the heart of downtown. So does National Geographic.

But it has some challenges. Like the fact that many of the cars leak in the rain and if you sit in the wrong spot you get rained on inside the streetcar. That part sucks. Almost as much as being short-turned at the Humber Loop going westbound. But being short turned sucks more. Marginally.

that silver streak at the bottom? -- that's a drip

Mostly, though, I like the 501 because when I ride it I see an honest cross section of the city in which I live. I see vagrants and gas huffers, new media hipsters and alcoholics, punks, princesses, and Bay Street pirates. Sometimes, it’s better than the movies.


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