My Backyard is a Butterfly Highway

It’s simply fascinating. Monarch butterflies migrate from Canada to central Mexico. And the migration takes more than one generation. That’s weird.

My backyard just happens to be along the route. Around this time of year we see dozens at a time. Occasionally, they flock in, like, hundreds.
Since I’m kind-of lazy tonight, here’s a jump to a search on monarch butterfly migration.

And here’s a nice page from the good folks at Parks Canada about Monarch Butterfly Migration at Point Pelee National Park.

And just to prove that I’m not a total stinge, here’s my very own picture from Point Pelee. If you look really closely, you might just see a monarch butterfly. But probably not.

Can you see a butterfly?

Update 2010-09-10:

Today was a spectacular day for monarch butterfly sighting: they were everywhere. All at once, it seemed. This one tried to dive-bomb me. Or maybe it was just a little drunk on nectar. They seem to take that stuff seriously.

Neighbourhood Butterfly

See?!? Look at that butterfly up close. I mean, that’s dramatic. For real.

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