Today I brewed my second batch of beer.
In the words of my wife, it was more like Kraft Dinner.
The can was pre-hopped and all I had to do was dissolve the syrupy goo with a little less than a kilogram if corn sugar into two liters of boiling water.
Then I chilled the wort and added it to the rest of the water into the fermenting jug. The important part was getting the temperature right for the wort — or so the instructions from the folks at Cooper’s told me. (I would link to the website but I checked it out and it’s very flashy and hard to navigate.) Lucky for me today was warm and pleasant. According to the instructions I needed to find a sweet spot between 18 and 30 or so degrees Celsius. The temperature outside was a nice 23 or so, so I wasn’t worried about getting the numbers right. It might be different if I have to do this in the middle of winter.
After the two liters of wort and twenty or so liters of water were in the fermenting jug I added the yeast.
Once the yeast is in the jug, it’s ready to plug up and put away for a week or so.
Happy Canada Day.