
Me and young’un #1 were out for a paddle in the canoe at the cottage this evening, and we came across a dragonfly that had fallen in the water.

Since it’s incredibly hard to fly while your gossamer wings are covered in water droplets I scooped the small guy out if the water on the blade of my paddle and brought him in-board in the canoe.

While we paddled back home the dragonfly ended up on my finger, and then my knuckle, and ended up sitting there, quite contented, for 20 minutes or so. In the end I had to shoo him away on the rocks (for which I felt incredibly guilty) and managed to get him to fly — or at least walk — off his perch on my digit. We agreed to leave him there for the night.

Wee’un #1 is has expressed her discomfort with this arrangement, but still accepted it. She’s concerned that it won’t make it until morning — she may be correct. We’ll see.



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